OWNER: CLAREMONT MCKENNA COLLEGE ARCHITECT: RAFAEL VINOLY CONTRACTOR: BERNARDS 12,000 SQ. FT. OF TERRA COTTA The Kravis Center is clad in Terra Cotta a natural clay product produced in Germany. 5,000 sq. ft. of the 12" x 48" x 1 1/2" panels were installed in a rain screen system on the exterior facade of the new health sciences building. The "jewel box" is a glass structure which serves as a study and recreation room for students, is paved with 24" x 24" x 3/4" Ramon Grey limestone.

OWNER: CLAREMONT MCKENNA COLLEGE ARCHITECT: RAFAEL VINOLY CONTRACTOR: BERNARDS 12,000 SQ. FT. OF TERRA COTTA The Kravis Center is clad in Terra Cotta a natural clay product produced in Germany. 5,000 sq. ft. of the 12" x 48" x 1 1/2" panels were installed in a rain screen system on the exterior facade of the new health sciences building. The "jewel box" is a glass structure which serves as a study and recreation room for students, is paved with 24" x 24" x 3/4" Ramon Grey limestone.

OWNER: CLAREMONT MCKENNA COLLEGE ARCHITECT: RAFAEL VINOLY CONTRACTOR: BERNARDS 12,000 SQ. FT. OF TERRA COTTA The Kravis Center is clad in Terra Cotta a natural clay product produced in Germany. 5,000 sq. ft. of the 12" x 48" x 1 1/2" panels were installed in a rain screen system on the exterior facade of the new health sciences building. The "jewel box" is a glass structure which serves as a study and recreation room for students, is paved with 24" x 24" x 3/4" Ramon Grey limestone.

OWNER: CLAREMONT MCKENNA COLLEGE ARCHITECT: RAFAEL VINOLY CONTRACTOR: BERNARDS 12,000 SQ. FT. OF TERRA COTTA The Kravis Center is clad in Terra Cotta a natural clay product produced in Germany. 5,000 sq. ft. of the 12" x 48" x 1 1/2" panels were installed in a rain screen system on the exterior facade of the new health sciences building. The "jewel box" is a glass structure which serves as a study and recreation room for students, is paved with 24" x 24" x 3/4" Ramon Grey limestone.